Agri Food Tech Ecosystem Gathering

June 28, 2024

Feed 9 Billion invites you to our agrifood ecosystem gathering on July 18th. This exclusive event will bring together venture capitalists and startups to foster innovation and collaboration within the agri-food sector.

We are honoured to have the Pro Enterprise Panel (PEP) Secretariat from MTI share valuable insights on navigating regulatory challenges and their initiatives.

The event will be held from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the 2AM DessertBar. 

The format is casual, with the following schedule:

– 5:00 PM: Arrival and networking

– 5:30 PM – 5:40 PM: Welcome by Anton Wibowo and John Cheng

– 5:40 PM – 6:00 PM: MTI sharing session

– 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Continued networking

The event is organised by Innovate 360, Feed 9B and Trendlines. Brought to you by Glico, 2AM Dessert Barvand Constellar.


Please register HERE  to confirm your attendance. We look forward to your participation in this insightful and engaging gathering.

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